Keeping one step ahead
What our clients say
UK Trademark
It is a common myth that if you register a company name at Companies House or an internet domain name with a registrar then you have an exclusive right to use that name. This is not the case. Be prudent, a trade mark registration can legally protect your business identity and/or products from potential infringers and it is a relatively inexpensive process.
Failure to do so could allow another company to use an image which is confusingly similar. Conversely if you are thinking about starting a new company, or launching a new product, make sure the name you wish to use is available. A simple search can identify if there are any issues before you embark on the expense of designing your logo and brand image. It is disappointing when a year in to trading a business receives a request to cease-and-desist or faces legal action. Failure to adequately check rights can prove costly and force the expense of re-branding.
European Trademark
If you operate within the European Union then you can to register a trademark in all 27 countries of the European Union and protect your brand from being exploited by your competitors.
Our advisors can provide step by step advice and guidance in registering a community trademark.
International Trademark
Through your UK or community trademarks it is possible to register trademarks worldwide to those countries who have signed up to the Madrid System. These include the USA, Australia, the Middle East, Asia and Eastern European countries.
If you intend to distribute your goods and services worldwide our advisors can help you protect your brand internationally.
To discuss a registering a Trademark with our dedicated Trademark Advisor, or any other legal matter Book a Free Legal MOT.
Our areas of expertise include: